Aluminum alloy: Ifthe surfacestains,wipe with water, do not useconcentrated acidor concentratedalkalinecleaner.
BenitezLimbu:scrubwith a ragmoistenedwith water.
Woodentables and chairs:wooden outdoor chairswipewith a cloth, do notscratchwith a hard object,so as not todamage the surfaceof thewaterproof layer.
PE rattan: You can usea softbrush,cloth orvacuum cleaningPErattan furniture, should preventcollision and thetip orscratch hard objects.PE rattancanmoisture,anti-aging, pest control,anti-infrared,sodo not be toobotherin the maintenance.
Plastic parts:ordinarywashing detergentcan be used, pay attentionnot to hit ahard object, nota wire brushscrubbing.Should preventcollisions andtip orscratch hard objects, ifcracking,hot-meltpatchesavailable.
Metalparts:during transportto avoidbump andscratch the surfaceprotective layer;letstandFolding Furnitureabove,so as not toaffect the use ofdeformationfoldedposition.Only occasionalscrubwith warm soapy water, do not usestrong acid orstrong alkalinedetergent to clean,to avoid damage tothesurface of theprotective layerandrust.
Tempered glass:Do not usesharp objectspercussionor impactglasscorners,to avoidfragmentation;Do notwipe theglass surfacewithcorrosive liquid,so as not todestroy thesurface gloss;Do notuse roughmaterialto wipethe glass surfaceto avoidscratches.